Tuesday 20 August 2013

Can I Have A Pet?

That moment has arrived, the question that every parent dreads..ok maybe it is just me being Zoophobic... Can I have a pet?

First it was .. Can I have a dog? Excited voice

A cat? Hopeful voice

How about a rabbit ? Negotiation has started

Oh alright.. a fish? Look mummy, I have compromised this pet is really, really small.
No darling

I know (eyes light up, big smile on face) Triumphant voice has returned

I will have a Lion as a pet!! 

I am going to write to the Zoo and ask mummy

I blame the book pictured above

The 5yr old is currently composing his Dear Zoo letter...

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Kisses Make It All Better

Aaron is on a school day trip today.. last night as I was putting him to bed he asked me to give him lots and lots of kisses so that if he hurt himself tomorrow he would have my reserve kisses to magic away the pain.

Sweet x

Children Are Perceptive

Don't underestimate how much children look and notice and appreciate things around them

Aaron aged 5 quite often will notice something and will comment or ask questions about it.

This exchange happened yesterday.

A 'Mummy is that a new bag?'
Me 'Yes'
A 'Your new bag?'
Me 'Yes my new bag'
A ' It's really nice'
Me 'Aww thank you!'

Monday 22 April 2013

An Education In Flowers

Coming out of the house last week Aaron took a nice deep breath and said

"Mummy, I love the smell out here"

I said yes it was nice ( I quite like the smell of tar and there was some work going on further down the road)

He replied

"Mmm I love the smell of blossoms"

Hmmm maybe I need to have more flowers in the house and garden ...

Sunday 21 April 2013

A Question Of Money

Aaron asked to play shops today so we got out his till, basket and play food.

At the end of the game I went to pay and the following happened -

Aaron took my £50 note, held it up to the air and declared "This money isn't real"

I asked him how he knew and he replied "because there is no line going through it"

No pulling the wool over these eyes...

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Career Advice

In the playground last week Aaron was playing nicely with a girl when two little boys (who were older than him) started to be a bit full on and annoying the girl, surrounding her and being really quite naughty and irritating. He told them to leave her alone but this behaviour continued right up until their mum called them to go home.

When we got home he said to me "Mummy they were not very nice were they.. if they carry on like that they won't get a job when they are older."

Kid's got his head screwed on!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Parenting Advice

It's the school Easter holidays, I still need to do a few homely tasks as they won't do them themselves. Yesterday I was upstairs putting the washing away when a little voice yells up the stairs -

'Mummy, where are you ? You are supposed to be looking after your child'